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Promoting Integrity: Industry Leaders Unite for International Anti-Corruption Day

廉洁丹心照百年伟业 直面挑战铸阳光日升Promoting Integrity Industry Leaders Unite for International Anti-Corruption Day.png

On December 8, 2023, in observance of International Anti-Corruption Day, Risen Energy in collaboration with leading industry peers including Longi, JA, and AIKO, launched a series of initiatives to promote integrity and combat corruption, focusing on fostering a clean and transparent working environment.

The Audit Department of Risen Energy spearheaded the event, which featured educational displays, informational panels, and interactive sessions. Volunteers provided detailed explanations about the company’s "Employee Manual," the core content of the "Group Supervision Work Management System," and anti-corruption measures. They also set up an information desk to address employees' questions and clarify the roles and responsibilities of the supervision department.

The activities aimed to reinforce the company’s clean culture, spread knowledge on anti-corruption laws, and enhance employees' awareness of ethical practices. The event also highlighted the importance of maintaining vigilance and adhering to legal and ethical standards.

The collective efforts of these industry giants on International Anti-Corruption Day have strengthened the sector’s commitment to ethical practices and transparency. By uniting for this cause, the companies have enhanced the industry's awareness of corruption prevention, promoted a culture of integrity, and solidified their dedication to maintaining a fair and honest business environment.





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